
Are Some Animal Products Higher In Amino Acid Cystine

  • Periodical List
  • J Food Sci Technol
  • 5.57(2); 2020 February
  • PMC7016059

J Nutrient Sci Technol. 2020 Feb; 57(2): 404–412.

Effect of amino acids and their derivatives on meat quality of finishing pigs

Xianyong Ma, corresponding author 1, 2, iii, 4, five Miao Yu,ane, 2, three, iv, 5 Zhichang Liu,1, 2, 3, 4, five Dun Deng,i, 2, three, 4, v Yiyan Cui,1, 2, 3, 4, v Zhimei Tian,1, ii, 3, 4, 5 and Gang Wang corresponding author 1, ii, 3, 4, 5

Xianyong Ma

1Institute of Fauna Science, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou, Red china

twoThe Key Laboratory of Fauna Diet and Feed Science, South China, Ministry of Agriculture, Guangzhou, Prc

3State Primal Laboratory of Livestock and Poultry Breeding, Guangzhou, Communist china

4Guangdong Cardinal Laboratory of Animal Breeding and Nutrition, Guangzhou, Communist china

fiveGuangdong Engineering Technology Inquiry Center of Fauna Meat Quality and Safety Control and Evaluation, Guangzhou, 510640 Prc

Miao Yu

1Institute of Brute Science, Guangdong Academy of Agronomical Sciences, Guangzhou, Prc

2The Key Laboratory of Animal Diet and Feed Science, South Red china, Ministry of Agronomics, Guangzhou, China

3State Key Laboratory of Livestock and Poultry Convenance, Guangzhou, Communist china

4Guangdong Key Laboratory of Animal Breeding and Nutrition, Guangzhou, People's republic of china

vGuangdong Technology Engineering science Research Center of Brute Meat Quality and Safety Control and Evaluation, Guangzhou, 510640 China

Zhichang Liu

aneFound of Animal Science, Guangdong Academy of Agronomical Sciences, Guangzhou, China

twoThe Central Laboratory of Fauna Nutrition and Feed Scientific discipline, South China, Ministry of Agronomics, Guangzhou, China

3State Key Laboratory of Livestock and Poultry Breeding, Guangzhou, China

ivGuangdong Key Laboratory of Creature Breeding and Nutrition, Guangzhou, China

5Guangdong Applied science Applied science Enquiry Centre of Animate being Meat Quality and Safety Command and Evaluation, Guangzhou, 510640 China

Dun Deng

iInstitute of Beast Science, Guangdong Academy of Agronomical Sciences, Guangzhou, Red china

twoThe Key Laboratory of Beast Nutrition and Feed Science, Due south China, Ministry of Agronomics, Guangzhou, China

3State Key Laboratory of Livestock and Poultry Breeding, Guangzhou, China

fourGuangdong Key Laboratory of Animal Breeding and Diet, Guangzhou, Cathay

5Guangdong Applied science Engineering Inquiry Middle of Animal Meat Quality and Safe Control and Evaluation, Guangzhou, 510640 China

Yiyan Cui

aneInstitute of Creature Science, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou, Communist china

2The Cardinal Laboratory of Beast Nutrition and Feed Science, South Communist china, Ministry of Agronomics, Guangzhou, China

iiiLand Key Laboratory of Livestock and Poultry Breeding, Guangzhou, Cathay

4Guangdong Central Laboratory of Animal Breeding and Nutrition, Guangzhou, China

5Guangdong Engineering science Applied science Research Middle of Animal Meat Quality and Safety Command and Evaluation, Guangzhou, 510640 China

Zhimei Tian

1Institute of Brute Science, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou, China

2The Key Laboratory of Animal Diet and Feed Science, South China, Ministry of Agriculture, Guangzhou, China

iiiLand Key Laboratory of Livestock and Poultry Breeding, Guangzhou, China

fourGuangdong Fundamental Laboratory of Animate being Breeding and Nutrition, Guangzhou, People's republic of china

fiveGuangdong Engineering Technology Research Center of Animal Meat Quality and Safety Command and Evaluation, Guangzhou, 510640 Red china

Gang Wang

oneEstablish of Animal Science, Guangdong University of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou, China

2The Primal Laboratory of Brute Diet and Feed Science, S China, Ministry building of Agriculture, Guangzhou, People's republic of china

3Land Fundamental Laboratory of Livestock and Poultry Breeding, Guangzhou, China

4Guangdong Key Laboratory of Animal Breeding and Diet, Guangzhou, China

5Guangdong Engineering Engineering Research Center of Creature Meat Quality and Safety Control and Evaluation, Guangzhou, 510640 China

Revised 2019 Jul 19; Accepted 2019 Aug 29.


Amino acids provide fundamental nutritional value, and significantly contribute to taste and flavor of meat. Here, we review the office of gratuitous amino acids in the musculus fibers in meat quality and sensory signals. We furthermore talk over how dietary supplementation of free amino acids and their derivatives (eastward.thousand. tryptophan, threonine, arginine, lysine, leucine, glutamate, threonine, sarcosine, betaines, and cysteamine) tin can influence these attributes. The available data shows that the quality of the meat is subject to the amino acids that are provided in the animate being feed.

Keywords: Amino acid, Meat quality, Finishing hog, Flavour, Amino acid derivatives


In that location is a public need to increase the quality and constituents of meat. Healthy, condom, and nutritious high-quality meat is increasingly demanded past consumers, in particular pork with rich flavor. Many factors affect the nutritional value and flavor of pork, such as the breed, nutrition, feeding method, and age of the animals. Meat encompasses a host of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and other nutritional constituents. Amino acids are not only essential components of proteins only likewise affect the synthesis of other components in the muscle. Furthermore, amino acids are important substances for the specific flavour of the meat (Chen and Liu 2004; Khan et al. 2015). The meat flavor components consist of both volatile substances and non-volatile substances also as free amino acids (such every bit threonine, alanine, serine, lysine, proline, hydroxyproline, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and arginine), which account for a loftier proportion. Due to the relatively loftier cost of amino acids, they are rarely used in applied applications toward improving pork quality (Lee et al. 2016; Shahidi 2001; Wasserman and Gray 2010). The effects of amino acids on meat quality are systematically reviewed in this written report. This topic is of swell significance toward improving the meat quality of pigs, which can be achieved via addition of appropriate amino acids and their derivatives. As a result of improvements in the amino acid production technology and the decreasing toll of relevant products, it has become increasingly viable to employ amino acids for the improvement of the meat quality. This method can positively enhance a good for you development of the pig industry and offers broad awarding prospects.

Event of free amino acids in the muscle on meat quality and sensory traits

The content and limerick of amino acids in meat is an of import index for the evaluation of the nutritional value of pork and also affects the meat quality (Chen and Liu 2004). In addition, amino acids influence the sensory traits of pork. The degradation of peptides and amino acids in the meat improve its sensory traits and besides amend taste (Khan et al. 2015). Hornstein and Crowe reported that flavour precursors were water-soluble small molecular substances that accept been assumed to be components of amino acids and carbohydrates. Wasserman and Gray demonstrated that flavor precursors included amino acids, inosine, and polypeptides such as anserine and carnosine (Wasserman and Gray 2010). When the raw meat was heated, taurine, alanine, anserine, and carnosine decreased markedly, while ribose disappeared completely, indicating that amino acids, polypeptides, and carbohydrates were precursors of pork olfactory property. Glutamic acrid is an of import flavor of pork (Shahidi 2001). Histidine, arginine, methionine, valine, tryptophan, tyrosine, isoleucine, leucine, and phenylalanine are bitter (Lee et al. 2016), while alanine, serine, threonine, glycine, lysine, proline, and hydroxyproline are sweet (Shahidi 2001). Sodium glutamate and sodium aspartate are salty, while aspartic acid, glutamic acid, histidine, and asparagine are sour (Lee et al. 2016). The Maillard reaction plays an important role in the formation of meat colour and flavor during the cooking process (Gong et al. 2016). Virtually flavor substances in food are products of the Maillard reaction, which involves a series of circuitous chemic reactions between carbonyl and amino compounds, such as reducing sugars and amino acids, and produces a variety of volatile flavoring compounds (Jalbout et al. 2007). Many heterocyclic compounds, aromatic compounds, and several aldehydes and ketones in the volatile compounds of pork are generally produced by the Maillard reaction between sugar and amino acids (Jalbout et al. 2007). The reaction between cysteine and saccharide produces the characteristic pork flavour (Jayasena et al. 2013). The reaction between cysteine and glucose produces major sulfur compounds, while cysteine and glucose oxidize to produce pyrazine and furan (Tai and Ho 1997). Cysteine and ribose, as well every bit thiamin, have been shown to create compounds such as 2-methyl-iii-furanthiol through the Maillard reaction (Mottram and Whitfield 1994). When meat is heated, sulfur-containing amino acids are degraded and transformed to hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and methylthialdehyde, which farther increases the smell of meat during cooking (Zhang 2007). The presence of sulfur-containing amino acids produces sulfur compounds with a high odor threshold, such as mercaptan and thiophene, which bear upon the formation of pyrazine and nitrogenous compounds (Lauridsen et al. 2006). Therefore, sulfur-containing amino acids are of import precursors of volatile effluvious compounds. Sulfur-containing amino acids, such every bit lysine and cysteine, are responsible for the meat flavor produced during heat treatment. E.g., cysteine is a well-known precursor of sulfur-containing flavors in meat (Cerny and Davidek 2003). Similarly, reactions between cysteine, xylose, and glycine result in meat-like flavors. A fresh taste is a characteristic of meat and is attributed to aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and other salts of glutamine, asparagine, taste peptides, and nucleotides (such as inosinic acid) (Li and Zhu 2001). The specific taste of pork is mainly attributed to substances such every bit sodium glutamate and inosine monophosphate, which are important ingredients in fresh meat. It has been reported that no linear relationship was observed between the contents of inosinic acrid and sodium glutamate and the gustation of meat; however, a higher content of inosine-v′-monophosphate (IMP) in meat leads to a stronger gustatory modality (Normah et al. 2010).

Breed-specific content of the season compounds is related with complimentary amino acids content in muscle

Dissimilar breeds of pigs take unlike genetic factors and body compositions, which results in different flavors. Contents of the total complimentary amino acids, alanine, glutamate, glycine, aspartic acrid, arginine, and inosine were higher in the meat of local breeds of pigs than in the meat of commercial pigs (Yang 2014). Yang also pointed out that the difference amid the meat flavors of three types of local breeds of pigs (Anqing Half dozen-White, Southern Anhui, and Dingyuan Blackness) and the DLY (Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire) pig was caused by the gratuitous amino acids and inosinic acid. Due to the synergistic effect of inosine and glutamate, the flavor intensity was 4 times higher when both glutamic acid and inosine were present than when only glutamic acid was present and the synergistic effect increased with increasing glutamic acid concentration and identical inosinic acid concentration. Chen and Zeng investigated the flavour precursors and nutrients in the meat of Lailai pigs, Lulai black pigs, and big Yorkshire pigs (Chen et al. 2010). The reported results showed that the content of the flavour precursors was significantly higher in the Lailai pigs and Lulai black pigs than in the larger Yorkshire pigs. In item, the intramuscular fat (International monetary fund), IMP, and the amino acids responsible for season were much higher in the Lailai and Lulai blackness pigs. Zhu et al. (2013) reported that the contents of Imf, linolenic acid, inosine, glutamic acid, proline, and several flavour substances were more abundant in the Jiangqu Hai pig than in the DLY pig. Yang et al. adamant the amino acid limerick of the Bamei, Landrace, and crossbred pigs. The reported results showed that the content of the various amino acids was significantly dissimilar among the iii breeds. The taste of the meat of the Bamei pig is stronger due to its higher content of glutamic acid and other fresh amino acids in the muscle (Yang et al. 1994). Wu et al.(2009) determined the relationship between free amino acrid contents and the taste of the meat in v breeds of pigs (Putian Black, Du Pu, Dapu, Duroc, and Yorkshire pigs). The free amino acid contents in these five breeds were 7.08%, vii.45%, 7.45%, six.75%, 7.02%, and 7.34%, respectively. Glutamic acrid, which was most closely related to the aspired taste, exhibited the highest amino acid content in the meat of the v breeds (2.87%, 2.98%, two.66%, 2.80%, and 2.95%, respectively) and was suggested as the reason for the specific taste of pork. Wang et al. (2006) reported that the contents of flavor amino acids (glutamate, glycine, alanine, and aspartate) in hybrid wild pigs were significantly higher than in local white pork; furthermore, the pork quality of the hybrid wild pigs was improve and the meat was more than fragrant. Chen et al. (2016) determined the composition of free amino acids in 4 types of pigs: the Bama miniature pig, the Bama local grunter, the Duroc grunter, and the large white pig. The results showed that the contents of taurine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, and carnosine were higher in the Bama miniature pig than in the Bama local pig, Duroc squealer, and large white grunter, and the resulting taste was too better. Therefore, it was concluded that the free amino acids in the meat affected the gustatory modality.

Effects of amino acids and their derivatives on meat quality

Many types of amino acids play an important office in pork flavor; therefore, the supplementation of amino acids to the feed can improve the pork season. The following amino acids play a primal role for the pork flavor: tryptophan, threonine, arginine, lysine, and leucine.


Tryptophan is essential for protein synthesis. l-tryptophan affects the RNA, fat, and protein metabolism in the creature liver; it also increases the poly peptide synthesis in both the muscle and liver by stimulating the release of insulin. l-tryptophan is regarded equally the third virtually important amino acid condiment in animal feed subsequently lysine and methionine. Several studies accept shown that tryptophan improves the pork quality past alleviating stress in pigs. Pre-mortem stress can damage the pork quality and results in pale, soft, and exudative (PSE) meat. Tryptophan reduces stress by stimulating the secretion of serotonin in the brain, which may be beneficial for the comeback of the pork quality (Schutte et al. 1995). Pethick et al. (1997) reported that supplementation of 0.5% tryptophan to the diet for five days before slaughter increased the concentration of v-hydroxytryptamine in the hypothalamus, reducing the incidence and severity of PSE meat. Henry et al. (1996) reported that supplementation of 0.16% tryptophan stimulated the secretion of serotonin in the brain and delayed the decrease of the pH in the LD muscle. Ma et al. (2010) besides reported that tryptophan enhanced the ability of pigs to resist stress and it likewise reduced the incidence of PSE meat. Adeola and Ball reported that although tryptophan alleviated stress in pigs, it had no effect on meat color, pH value, and the incidence of PSE meat. The furnishings of tryptophan on pork quality needs to be farther investigated. In addition, the rest between tryptophan and other amino acids and the production of fecal odor through the fermentation of excess tryptophan by intestinal microorganisms may limit the application of tryptophan for the improvement of pork quality.


Threonine, which is another essential amino acid in the musculus, is used for musculus protein synthesis. Feng et al.reported that supplementation of threonine in the feed significantly increased the growth, daily gain, feed conversion rate, and lean meat pct of growing pigs and fattening pigs. The loin centre area and the content of protein in the LD muscle likewise increased significantly. The backfat thickness at the 10th rib increased with increased threonine content in the diet. The content of carcass fatty and intramuscular fatty in the LD muscle decreased linearly (Feng 1998). Hou et al. (2001) reported that adding a suitable level of threonine to the pig diet increased the protein content in the liver of pigs; different levels and proportions of amino acids in the diet were responsible for the protein degradation in animals. Information technology has been suggested that the dietary protein could be decreased by 4% only when the lysine and threonine requirements were satisfied. According to this proffer, the protein level in the pig diet was decreased by iv% when the nutrition was supplemented with synthetic amino acids; equally a result, the backfat thickness of the pigs increased and the feed efficiency was improved (Easter and Baker 1980). Addition of threonine in an ideal protein system plays an of import function. However, the detailed mechanism of the threonine interest in poly peptide synthesis remains unclear and requires farther study.


Arginine (Arg) is an of import amino acid for protein synthesis. Supplementation of ane% Arg increased the body weight gain by 6.5% and the carcass skeletal-muscle content by v.5% while decreasing the carcass fat content by 11%. The LD muscle protein, glycogen, and fatty contents likewise were increased by four.8%, 42%, and 7%, respectively; in addition, the muscle pH 45 min postal service-mortem was increased past 3.2% and the musculus lactate content was decreased by 37%. Dietary Arg supplementation increased the IMF content in the LD muscle past 37.45% and in the biceps femoris (BF) muscle by 37.8%; information technology likewise increased the mRNA expression levels of the fatty acid synthase in the muscles (Tan et al. 2009), suggesting that Arg might promote International monetary fund synthesis past upregulating the expression of key lipogenesis genes in the muscles (Tan et al. 2011). Ma et al. (2010) found that supplementation of i% Arg in the nutrition significantly increased the International monetary fund content and muscle redness of fattening pigs, decreased the muscle drip loss, and improved the muscle antioxidant ability. Addition of Arg to the diet too significantly increased the lean meat pct and decreased the fat rate of fattening pigs so that the meat quality was partially improved. Wu et al. (2012) plant that the lean meat percentage of Huanjiang Xiang pigs supplemented with i% arginine increased by fifteen.0%, the fat charge per unit decreased past 34.6%, and the rough fatty content was decreased by 35.1% in the LD musculus, which indicated that arginine in the nutrition improved the carcass quality of Huanjiang Xiang pigs. Addition of 1% Arg to the nutrition of sows improved the meat quality of the sows' offspring (Gao 2011). Hu et al. (2017a, b) provided i.0% Arg, ane% glutamic acid, or ane.0% Arg + 1.0% glutamic acrid to the basal nutrition of growing finishing pigs for threescore days and institute that the dietary supplementation of Arg and Glu increased the IMF deposition and improved both the meat colour and fatty acid composition without affecting the growth performance and subcutaneous fat in pigs, thus providing a novel strategy to enhance the meat quality in growing-finishing pigs. Even so, Get et al. (2012) found that dietary Arg supplementation did not increase the IMF in pigs. Madeira et al. (2015) found that supplementation with betaine and Arg to lysine-deficient diets did not increase the Imf content merely improved the pork's sensory traits, including overall acceptability and meat tenderness. It is possible that the IMF was afflicted past other factors such equally the environment and feed conditions.


The reports on the effect of lysine on meat quality are non consequent and there are many specific reasons, mainly heredity, surround, and nutrition. Lysine enhances the appetite, diseases the resistance of livestock and poultry, and participates in fat metabolism; however, the upshot of lysine on meat muscle fatty and carcass quality differs nether different conditions (Wang et al. 2014). According to the National Enquiry Council (NRC) (1998), the poly peptide requirement for optimum growth operation is eighteen% for growing pigs and fifteen.v% for fattening pigs. The lysine requirement is 0.95% for growing pigs and 0.75% for fattening pigs. Even so, with regard to pork quality, low protein and lysine contents in the nutrition increased the content of International monetary fund in pork (Zhang et al. 2011). Whipple reported that dietary lysine supplementation did not affect muscle cobweb types; information technology increased the diameter and volume of several musculus fibers and besides increased the surface area of the LD muscle while reducing the juiciness and tenderness of the muscle (Whipple 1992). Essen-Gustavsson et al. (1994) reported that a reduction in dietary protein from xviii% in growing pigs to 15% in fattening pigs and in dietary lysine from 0.96% in growing pigs to 0.64% in fattening pigs resulted in an increase in the Imf of the LD muscle from 1.5% to 2.5% at an increasing rate of 66.7%. Wang et al.(2012) also reported that an increase in the dietary crude poly peptide level decreased the carcass backfat thickness, the marbling, and the tenderness of the meat while as well increasing the lean meat rate; even so, low protein and low lysine contents increased the IMF content of pork. Chen (2012) also reported that the International monetary fund content of pigs could be increased past feeding diets with low protein and lysine contents. Li (2010) reported that when pigs received a lysine-scarce diet, the carcass fatty content decreased and when dietary lysine was added to the diet of fattening pigs, the muscle book, the area of the LD musculus, and the diameter of the muscle fiber increased; all the same, the muscle juiciness and tenderness decreased. Gong and Ma (1993) studied the lysine requirements of lean growing pigs and reported that the carcass quality of the pork was improved when cotton kernel meal was used as sole protein feed; the actual content of lysine acid in the nutrition was 0.69%. In improver, the energy in the diet likewise influenced the effects of lysine and the fat content in the muscle decreased when the ratio of lysine to energy increased (Castell et al. 1994). (De la Llata et al. 2002) plant that an increment in the concentration of lysine in a sorghum-soybean diet decreased the daily proceeds and lean meat rate and increased the thickness of the dorsum fat. Even so, an increment in the concentration of lysine in a corn-soybean diet had did not affect the carcass traits. The issue of lysine on meat quality is influenced by many factors such as protein and energy levels, dietary type, and pig breeds. To obtain the best growth functioning and carcass composition, the ratio of lysine to free energy or protein should be higher than the ratios currently used in the pig industry (Apple tree et al. 2004).


Leucine, likewise called 50-leucine, is a blazon of branched-chain amino acid and an essential amino acid that must be supplied past the diet. Leucine regulates the intracellular signal pathways of muscle cells, thus enhancing the protein synthesis in mammalian skeletal muscle (Kim Ball et al. 2002). Cisneros et al. (1996) also reported that high levels of leucine were used for fat synthesis and increased the muscle fat per centum. Although leucine increased the Imf deposition, excessively high levels of leucine weakened the utilization of other amino acids mainly because they are transported in the aforementioned manner or because leucine induces poly peptide synthesis (Hyun et al. 2003). Luo et al. (2017) added 0.xiv% isoleucine to the nutrition of fattening pigs (which exceeds the NRC recommended level of 0.14%) and institute that drip loss, shear strength, and yellowness of the muscle decreased, while the Imf content increased. Dean et al. (2005) added isoleucine to a corn-soybean meal nutrition and reported that the backfat thickness, total fat content, and trunk fat pct of fattening pigs increased without affecting the loin musculus expanse and slaughter rate. Several studies have suggested that the IMF of pork can be increased past feeding finishing pigs loftier levels of leucine or high levels of leucine in combination with low levels of lysine (Hyun et al. 2007). However, high levels of leucine in combination with a normal protein diet did not affect the meat quality of finishing pigs except for meat tenderness (Hyun et al. 2003). Sugawara et al. (2009) likewise reported that a protein-gratuitous nutrition supplemented with leucine did not increase the protein synthesis. Madeira et al. (Madeira et al. 2014) constitute that leucine improver to the nutrition of growing-finishing pigs did not touch the IMF content, backfat thickness, and loin weight but increased the juiciness. Zhang et al. (2016) suggested that decreasing the dietary poly peptide from 14.5% to ten% with leucine supplementation improved the meat quality and increased the net poly peptide degradation. However, a high dose of leucine supplementation in the diet led to a decrease in feed intake and operation of the pigs, suggesting that a diet with less than two% leucine supplementation was appropriate (Hyun et al. 2003).

Other amino acids

In Improver the amino acids mentioned in a higher place, glutamate and threonine also improve the meat quality of pigs.

Glutamic acrid is one of the most important flavor amino acids in muscle. Hu et al. (2017a) showed that glutamic acid supplementation could reduce backfat thickness, it also improved muscle fatty acid composition (Hu et al., 2017b). Zhou et al. (2014) found that monosodium L-glutamate increased intramuscular fat content. Kong et al. (2015) reported that 1.00% Leucine could increase the intramuscular fat content in longissimus dorsi muscle and biceps femoris, and did not affect the growth performance of fattening pigs. After adding one.00% glutamic acid, the backfat thickness of finishing pigs decreased by 34.iii%, while the addition of 1.00% Leucine plus one.00% glutamic acid increased the intramuscular fat content of biceps femoris, and did non affect the growth functioning of fattening pigs.

As an essential amino acid in pigs, threonine also enhances the immunity of pigs, increase weight proceeds and feed intake, and amend carcass quality. But the proper ratio of threonine to lysine in finishing pigs feed is 0.65–0.68 (Plitzner et al. 2007). In improver to being used as nutrients to satify animate being growth needs, amino acids also increase pork flavor or regulate metabolic pathways to improve pork quality equally regulatory additive. At present, just 1 single amino acrid or two amino acids combination improving meat quality having been reported. There is no related reports about how to apply these amino acids together, and what is the appropriate proportion of these amino acids? With the development of synthetic amino acid industry, the popularization and awarding of these functional amino acids are more and more. The effect and proportion of combined add-on demand to be studied, which is helpful to further rational application of amino acids to better meat quality.

Derivatives of amino acids


Sarcosine is a tripeptide that is synthesized from arginine, glycine, and methionine in the presence of ATP. 65% of sarcosine in animals is stored in muscles where sarcosine acts as an "energy banking concern". The sarcosine content in the muscle can be increased by adding sarcosine monohydrate to the feed. The increment of the muscle sarcosine content increases the h2o content of the musculus fiber, the muscle volume, and the hydraulic capacity of the muscle system (Berg and Allee 2001). Several reports indicated that the addition of sarcosine monohydrate to the diet also lowered the aggregating of lactic acrid. In addition, the increase in the sarcosine content in the muscle increased the water content of the muscle fiber, the musculus book, and the muscle hydraulic capacity (Berg and Allee 2001). Furthermore, sarcosine increases the pH value at 45 min postmortem and reduces the L* value. Nevertheless, the results of recent experiments are non consistent with this conclusion (Berg et al. 2003; Stahl and Berg 2003). The specific effects of sarcosine on meat quality, the amount of sarcosine that should be added to the feed, and the appropriate supplementation time require farther inquiry. It has as well been reported that creatine or its forerunner, guanidinoacetate, tin substitute part of the Arg in poultry diets (Baker 2009; Dilger et al. 2013) and that guanidinoacetate is an constructive creatine precursor in swine (McBreairty et al. 2015).


Betaine, or trimethylglycine, is a very effective methyl donor. Dietary supplementation of betaine (trimethylglycine) may better the nitrogen and free energy utilization efficiency of pigs (Eklund et al. 2005). This is probable because betaine is a methyl donor involved in many important animal methylation reactions. Wang et al. (2000) plant that 1 g/kg of betaine significantly reduced fatty deposition and increased the lean meat rate in pigs while too increasing the myoglobin and International monetary fund content. Matthews et al. (2001) also found that dietary supplementation of betaine at 45 min postmortem increased the pH value and decreased the drip loss of the meat. Eklund et al. (2005) showed that add-on of 1 m/kg guanidine acetic acid or 1 1000/kg guanidinyl acetate plus 0.5 g/kg betaine in fattening hog feed significantly increased the daily gain, decreased the average backfat thickness, delayed the decrease in the pH value, increased the water property chapters and tenderness of the meat, and thus improved the overall meat quality. Madeira et al. (2015) reported that betaine and Arg supplementation of Lys-scarce diets improved the pork sensory traits, including the overall acceptability. Martins et al. (2012) determined that long-term (1 grand/kg, 20 weeks) supplementation of betaine in squealer feed selectively increased the intramuscular lipid deposition without affecting other chemical and physical characteristics of the muscles, such as the color of the meat or trunk fat degradation. Matthews et al. (2001) reported that 0.25% dietary betaine decreased the backfat thickness, 50 value, cooking loss, and increased the pH value. Based on these results, it has been concluded that 0.25% betaine improved the pork quality. However, opinions on the result of betaine on pork quality differ and the effectiveness may depend on the animal trial conditions (Dugan et al. 2004).


As an inhibitor of somatostatin (SS), cysteamine specifically binds to SS in vivo and in vitro, decreases the SS levels in vivo, increases the growth hormone (GH) level, and promotes the growth of livestock and poultry. Many studies have shown that cysteamine decreases the SS level, regulates the hormone level, redistributes nutrients, and improves animal performance. The effects of cysteamine on growth promotion were optimal in the range of appropriate dosages and the furnishings differed for different growth stages. Fu showed that add-on of l–100 mg/kg cysteamine during the growth catamenia improved the feed efficiency and did not bear on the growth functioning; however, the SS in the serum decreased and the GH increased significantly (Fu 2004). The amino acrid content in the muscle also significantly increased. The carcass and meat quality improved. Dunshea added 700 mg/kg cysteamine to the diet of fattening pigs (female) and the results showed that the carcass weight was higher in the experimental group than in the control group; the lean meat percentage increased, and the backfat thickness decreased significantly (Dunshea 2000). Yang et al. (2005) added 30–50 mg/kg cysteamine to the diet of fattening pigs and demonstrated that the backfat thickness decreased while the carcass quality increased significantly. Wei et al.(2003) showed that 180 mg/kg cysteamine significantly increased the lean meat rate and muscle color score, and decreased the fatty deposition significantly. Chen et al. (2004) also reported that 60–75 mg/kg cysteamine significantly increased the lean meat rate and decreased the fatty deposition; however, it had no result on other meat quality indices. The effect of cysteamine on pork quality may be related to the dosage of cysteamine. Qin et al. (2017) reported that the meat quality of Ningxiang pigs was improved by increasing the content of linoleic acrid and decreasing stearic acid in meat when 80 mg/kg cysteamine was added to the pig feed. Bai et al. (2017) found that dietary supplementation with cysteamine hydrochloride improved the antioxidant condition and delayed the meat discoloration by improving the glutathione levels and antioxidase activity after extended chill storage (for 48 h after slaughter). Due to the different processing forms of cysteamine, the furnishings may differ; therefore, the determination of the appropriate dose is based on the product form and experimentally obtained results; generally, an amount from tens of grams to hundreds of grams is appropriate.


Meat is merely fragrant when information technology is heated due to a complex series of changes that occur during heating and produce volatile flavor substances, such as lactone compounds, pyrazine compounds, furan compounds, and sulfides. Ding reported that water-soluble saccharide, amino acid-containing compounds and lipid substances are precursor substances of these fragrant compounds. Although the lipid tissue contributed to the unique meat flavor, if fat was removed from a variety of meat products, the meat flavour was consistent and no difference was observed (Ding 1996). Therefore, it has been concluded that amino acids are very important for meat quality. In this paper, we only review the furnishings of amino acids on meat quality.

Amino acids take specific flavors; for example, aspartic acrid, glutamic acid, histidine, and asparagine are sour. Histidine, arginine, methionine, valine, tryptophan, tyrosine, isoleucine, leucine, and phenylalanine are bitter. Alanine, serine, threonine, glycine, lysine, proline, and hydroxyproline are sugariness. Sodium glutamate and sodium aspartate are salty (Lee et al. 2016). Sulfur-containing amino acids, cysteine, cysteine, and glutathione are essential for the production of aroma compounds. Werkhoff et al. (1990) reported the aroma compounds of a meat model organisation comprised of thiamine, cysteine, glutamate, ascorbic acrid, and water. The reaction was performed under the weather condition of pH 5 and 120 °C for 0.5 h; 70 sulfur compounds were obtained and 19 produced savory meat season. Therefore, it was suggested that these amino acids should be used as pork seasoning for meat.

In addition, amino acids participate in the Maillard reaction and produce many flavor compounds. Although not all Maillard reaction products contain meat season compounds, the Maillard reaction plays a central role in the formation of season compounds. The reaction products include sulfide, furan, pyrrole, thiophene, imidazole, pyridine, and cyclohexene sulfide and other low molecular weight precursors; among these, sulfides are especially important and it has been shown that the meat flavor almost disappeared when sulfides were removed from the volatile compounds during the process of meat heating (Cai et al. 2002). Protein also affects the meat flavor because information technology degrades into amino acids during the heating process. Many reports showed that the structural changes caused past protein degradation are very complex; an case is carbonylation, the breaking of the chief chain of peptides, and the formation of inter-molecular disulfide bonds, which are basic mechanisms that are responsible for the structural changes of proteins. The carbonylation and hydroxylation of the side chain of amino acid residues are the chief mechanisms that affect changes in protein oxidation (Jiang and Xiong 2013; Liu et al. 2000). Protein conformational changes expose several amino acrid groups, such as sulfur-containing amino acids. During the heating or processing of pork, the concentration of gratuitous amino acids is several times or fifty-fifty a dozen times higher than that of fresh meat. Complimentary amino acids produce important volatile flavor substances, such equally alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones via degradation or reactions with other substances (Toldra 1998).

The types and contents of free amino acids in pork vary for unlike pig breeds, resulting in differences in the pork flavor. Several reports showed a positive correlation between pork flavor and amino acid content (Chen et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2006; Wu et al. 2009; Yang et al. 1994; Zhu et al. 2013). Therefore, the supplementation of costless amino acids or their derivatives to hog feed is a potential method with which to ameliorate the pork flavor and meat quality. Amino acids and their derivatives not only increase the concentration of costless amino acids simply are also responsible for important physiological functions, such every bit antioxidant office, reducing stress, improving the immune function, and indirectly improving the meat quality.

In summary, amino acids and their derivatives contribute significantly to the meat quality. To better apply amino acids for the improvement of the meat quality, further enquiry is required specifically investigating the following aspects: a simpler and more convenient industrial model of amino acid production is required for a wider application; the synergistic effects of various amino acids on the comeback of meat quality require further study; furthermore, the production of amino acid metabolites or analogs, their use in animate being production, and their effects on meat quality should be actively explored.


Nosotros cheers for all authors to participate in writing and editing this commodity.

Author contributions

All authors are involved in the review, reading and summary of the literature. XM and MY are responsible for writing- original draft grooming, DD, YC and ZT are responsible for looking for references, XM is responsible for funding acquisition, GW is responsible for reviewing and editing, ZL help to edit this manuscript.


This inquiry was funded by grants from the Guangdong Modern Agro-manufacture Applied science Research System (2017LM1080), the Guangdong modern agricultural industrial technology extension system (2017LM4164, 2018LM2153), National Fundamental Research and Development Plan of Communist china (2016YFD0501210), and the key projection of Guangzhou City (201707020007).

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The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Man and animal rights

This research was not involved human participants and/or animals.


Xianyong Ma and Miao Yu are the commencement author.

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Contributor Information

Xianyong Ma, nc.saadg@gnoynaixam.

Miao Yu, moc.qq@908042493.

Gang Wang, moc.uhos@08yxmylil.


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